\F1\1 "I thought it was going to be like making another intro. I was wrong. It was harder and more boring than to set up and design ten music-disks in a row."
\3- Myself after three months of delaying and complaining about the ugly design and catastrophical quality of articles.
It all started about one and a half year ago, with my splendid idea to start to release another of those harmonic and sophisticated packs. Everything went OK until I was thinking of making a Swedish chart. As Buzz was more or less dead (Hasn't that mag always been dead - mentally? Estonia jokes... /ToJ), there was no Swedish chart anymore. Except for those very cute and trustable BBS-charts where the best coder of Sweden turned out to be a BBS-tool programmer. These are no "real" Swedish demo-charts.
After some time, I started to wonder what I wanted the chart to look like. I thought it would be good to include the chart in my new pack-series. I wanted to call it "No Sense". When I had got some votes and more ideas I wanted to include some news and adverts, but that was all. When I had drawn a couple of mag designs (my 5:th in the order), I thought I could use a mag border as the extra mag part of my pack. Origo had now started to code a pack. During one of our meetings, we decided to make a fullsize diskmagazine. It was not meant to be any big project, just some articles about art, code and the usual party-reports etc. My pack-idea was at this time abandoned for good. It had been too outdated to release a pack those days and we started to work on No Sense.
We had released an executable vote-sheet (sheet?) and we had got a couple of votes. Everything went fine. After this, I started to write some articles - very interesting and promising articles (?). I had articles for about half a diskmagazine, but too much time had now passed and I had to dump them all. (Yes, all!) (That's why we write articles on eternal topics like philosphy, literature... /ToJ)
Luckily, I met Note/New Age (ex. Beatless) at the Icing party and we started to talk about our mag. As Note, at that time, had his own ideas to start a diskmagazine in his group together with his groupmates, we found out that he actually could be a co-editor of No Sense instead. At this time, a diskmagazine wasn't far away and we started to write as never before.
We wrote about all the scene-scandals and happenings; at this time everything was cool. The code had started to take shape, and I could set up a preview to work on. Soon we had to discard more and more articles we had written - because of old and lousy ideas. Now things got worse and everything went wrong, at least if you ask me. We actually had many votes, news in overflow - not to speak of adverts. I was deadly tired on all the adverts and news I had. I did also at this time start to count votes. This was actually one of the best parts of No Sense, just because C-Lous had got many votes.
\4\M\1Bitter thoughts
\2And here we are, a released mag, without any hot scoops, new ideas, extraordinary styles or anything. Just another diskmagazine. \1No Sense Magazine - Disk Publication. \4Beat that!